When addiction took over your life, drugs or alcohol became the focus of your world. Everything you did was guided by your need. You may have stolen and lied, neglected your health, and sacrificed the goodwill of family and friends in order to feed your addiction.
Recovery Means Getting Back to You
The knowledge of what you have become is one of the difficult realities you must face when you begin the road to recovery. To heal and learn to live in sobriety, you must embrace values that will guide you through your new life. At Red Oak Recovery®, our integrated drug addiction treatment is based on these core values:
Hope: To keep you going when circumstances beat you down.
Courage: To shore you up when difficulty and uncertainty block the way.
Willingness: To let you to risk the unknown so that you can learn and grow.
Integrity: To allow you to regain self-respect and self-love.
Spirituality: To acknowledge that you have worth in a greater plan than you can understand.
Service: To rebuild your connections with others.
A Foundation for a New Life in Recovery
When you embrace Red Oak Recovery®’s core values, you have a solid platform on which to build a new life and rebuild damaged relationships. You are no longer at the mercy of your need for drugs or alcohol. Instead, you are empowered by courage and the willingness to keep trying, even when you encounter setbacks like relapse. You have a reason to keep trying because you believe that something greater than yourself is guiding you and offering you hope. You are able to like and respect yourself because you have reckoned with your addiction, begun to make amends for your transgressions, and learned to accept help and to give it.
If you are a young person 18 to 30 years old who is struggling to find meaning in life beyond addiction, call 866.457.7426 to speak with a Red Oak Recovery® intake specialist. Learn more about rebuilding your life through our integrated program of clinical treatment, therapeutic recreation, and healthy nutrition. Let us help you begin your recovery journey today.