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Treatment Options You Won’t Find at a Men’s Drug Rehab Program in Essex, NJ

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Treatment Options You Won’t Find at a Men’s Drug Rehab Program in Essex, NJ

Sometimes seeking out treatment close to home isn’t the ideal solution. If you are considering a men’s drug rehab program in Essex, NJ, you should really contemplate looking outside of your local area for treatment options. While New Jersey offers some great rehab options, there are certain types of treatment that may not be available or highly specialized in the Essex area.

One option to consider is wilderness therapy. This type of treatment combines traditional therapy with outdoor activities and adventure to help individuals confront their addiction in a unique setting. Another option to consider is equine therapy, where individuals work with horses as part of their recovery process. Both of these options may not be readily available in Essex but can be found at specialized treatment centers across the country.

At Red Oak Recovery®, we know that each person is different. Therefore, we tailor each person’s treatment to their specific needs. To learn more about the benefits of attending our men’s rehab program in North Carolina, contact us today at 866.457.7590.

Why Leave the State for Treatment?

There are a few reasons why seeking treatment outside of your local area can be beneficial:

  • Firstly, it allows for a fresh start in a new environment. This can help remove triggers and distractions that may be present in your daily life at home.
  • Secondly, seeking treatment outside of your local area can expand your options for specialized or alternative forms of therapy.
  • Finally, attending treatment outside of your hometown can also provide a sense of anonymity, allowing you to focus on your recovery without outside distractions or judgment.

What Therapeutic Methods Will a Men’s Drug Rehab Program in Essex, NJ Offer?

When it comes to addiction therapy, there are two categories: evidence-based and holistic. A men’s drug rehab program in Essex, NJ, may offer one of these options or another. However, combining these methods may be more successful in treating your addiction. At Red Oak Recovery®, we offer a variety of these options. Your treatment may include the following:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy:

Because cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the more common therapies, this is one option you may find at a men’s drug rehab program in Essex, NJ. During CBT, you’ll talk with a therapist and work with them to identify negative thoughts, feelings, and actions. After doing that, you will learn how to turn those negative behaviors into positive coping mechanisms.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an offshoot of CBT. During a DBT therapy program, you’ll learn how to regulate your emotions and tolerate distress. It also gives you the tools necessary to communicate and effectively interact with the people around you. During DBT, you may participate in group therapy or individual therapy.

Experiential Therapy

You may not be able to find experiential therapy at a men’s drug rehab program in Essex, NJ. This holistic therapy is an excellent option for people who are unsure about their limits after drug addiction. Through experiential therapy, you’ll participate in activities such as rock climbing, ziplining, or whitewater rafting. By doing so, you learn what you’re capable of and learn how to overcome stress and cravings.

Nutrition Therapy

When you struggle with addiction, you may have let your health fall by the wayside. Through nutrition therapy, you can learn how to take care of your health and choose food that will encourage your recovery. While this therapy may not be common at a men’s drug rehab program in Essex, NJ, this is a core part of treatment at Red Oak Recovery®.

Get Help at Red Oak Recovery®

At Red Oak Recovery®, we give you the therapy you need to overcome your drug abuse and thrive in recovery. We treat a variety of addictions, including:

  • Cocaine addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Opioid addiction
  • Benzo addiction
  • Adderall addiction

Are you ready to see what Red Oak Recovery® can do that a program in Essex, NJ, can’t? If so, contact our experts by using our online form or calling us at 866.457.7590. The time to overcome your addiction is now. We can’t wait to help you start your journey to a healthier and happier life.