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Rehab Centers in SC May Not Be Right for Everyone

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Rehab Centers in SC May Not Be Right for Everyone

If you live in South Carolina and you or someone you love struggles with addiction, then you might be looking for rehab in the area. Limiting your search to rehab centers in SC, however, could mean you’re missing out on the best possible treatment. Expand the search and focus on the characteristics of excellent and effective addiction treatment.

Gender-Specific Programs

Rehab Centers in SC | Red Oak Recovery<sup>®</sup>One of the key things to look for in a prospective rehab program is the availability of gender-specific treatment. In many ways, men and women need the same types of treatment and therapy when overcoming an addiction. However, having men and women in the same facility or program is not always recommended.

Often, women feel unsafe around men during the early stages of recovery. Whether they were victims of abuse or trauma, it’s important to put safety and comfort first. Men may also prefer to be honest and vulnerable in a gender-specific program.

By separating men and women, there are also fewer opportunities for romantic relationships to develop. In addiction treatment, it’s best to avoid new intimate relationships because they can set back recovery. Plus, gender-specific programs are able to cater to the specific needs and preferences of either men or women.

Evidence-Based Treatment Plans

Not all rehab centers in SC, or anywhere else in the country, offer the exact same treatment plans. The effectiveness of rehab can vary depending on what methods are used. Unfortunately, some individuals still choose their rehab based on location. Rather than focusing on convenience, focus on quality.

An evidence-based treatment plan will be comprehensive. In addition to more holistic treatments, there should be a foundation of scientifically-proven therapies and recovery strategies. Individual therapy, trauma treatment, and dual diagnosis support are a few critical examples.

Outdoor and Holistic Treatments

While evidence-based treatment is undoubtedly important, other methods can help clients find lifelong sobriety. Spending time outside, for example, can boost mood and encourage physical activity. Clients should be able to spend time gardening and enjoy recreational activities outside.

Recovery is about more than just abstaining from drug or alcohol use. It’s also an emphasis on emotional stability and spiritual wellbeing. Activities like yoga, hiking in the mountains or receiving acupuncture can all contribute to the feeling of total wellness. Look for rehab programs that can offer all of that and more to clients.

An Alternative to Rehab Centers in SC

If you’re searching for drug rehab geared toward young adults, then Red Oak Recovery® may be perfect for you. While it’s not one of the rehab centers in SC, it can deliver exceptional care in a gender-specific environment. Red Oak Recovery® provides an extensive range of treatments, just some of which can include the following:

Whether you live in South Carolina or anywhere else in the country, expand your search to find the best possible treatment. At Red Oak Recovery® in Asheville, North Carolina, clients can expect a holistic strategy geared to their lifelong recovery. Call 866-457-7590 to learn more and to take back control over your life.