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Should I Leave My Home for Addiction Treatment?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Should I Leave My Home for Addiction Treatment?

Those searching for an addiction treatment program in North Carolina often come from cities in nearby states, such as Pickens, SC. You can make the drive south along I-64 in about five hours. This is a long ride, but it may be worth it to get the help you need away from the prying eyes of friends and neighbors. Additionally, you can find high-quality substance use disorder treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in Asheville. To learn more about our programs, contact our team today at 866.457.7590.

Choosing Where to Go for Rehab

The benefits of getting treatment at a drug rehab in North Carolina versus Kentucky include finding a center with an ideal living environment, a variety of therapy programs, and effective addiction treatment approaches. As the client, you have the power to compare local alcohol and drug addiction programs to those located further afield.

While there may be many fine addiction recovery centers in Pickens, SC, addiction rehab in North Carolina is sometimes the better choice for your needs. For example, Red Oak Recovery® has a youth addiction treatment center that focuses on the needs of young people in recovery. Not every recovery center offers this unique opportunity to participate in group therapy with peers in the same age range.

Benefits of Addiction Treatment in North Carolina

Sometimes, traveling away from Pickens, SC can give you a fresh start. Traveling can put you in the right frame of mind to focus on recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. While not every city offers state-of-the-art facilities for substance use disorder treatment, Red Oak Recovery® in Asheville, NC, uses evidence-based treatment methods and experiential therapies to help adults overcome their dependence on drugs or alcohol.

Wherever you go for treatment, look for the following options to help you overcome your addiction:

  • Medically assisted therapy to reduce cravings
  • Psychological treatment in individual and group sessions
  • Life skills courses to assist with vocational and legal challenges
  • Social skills to help you relate to employers, co-workers, and other people

Traveling Becomes a Metaphor for Life Changes

When you take a journey, you often feel a sense of renewal. Traveling away from Pickens, SC, toward a new future in Asheville, NC, can help you make a clear break from your past. Even if you plan to return home, putting miles between yourself and the memories of drug and alcohol use can help you clear your mind and avoid distractions during your recovery.

Find a men’s addiction treatment center that creates an individual treatment plan for each client. At Red Oak Recovery®, you check into a program voluntarily. This means that you can leave whenever you want. However, we encourage you to stay and enjoy the benefits of a structured, supervised recovery program.

If you have abused drugs or alcohol for many years, you may benefit from a residential treatment program. Many people attend our programs in North Carolina to avoid the stigma associated with addiction treatment. No one has to know your private business, and you can maintain anonymity better when you choose a program far away.

Find out more about our alcohol addiction treatment programs and drug addiction programs we’ve tailored to meet your unique needs.

Find Addiction Treatment at Red Oak Recovery®

It takes courage to leave home in Pickens, SC, to attend an addiction center in North Carolina. You may miss your family and friends. However, standing on your own can help you avoid distractions and receive a higher quality of care. We offer a range of addiction treatment options, including:

  • Alcohol addiction treatment
  • Heroin addiction treatment
  • Cocaine addiction treatment
  • Meth addiction treatment
  • Opioid addiction treatment

Contact us at 866.457.7590 to talk to a knowledgeable enrollment specialist. Learn more about our services at Red Oak Recovery® so that you can make the best decision for your future.