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Treatment for Schizophrenia

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Treatment for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe mental health disorder. Those experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, including schizophrenia catatonia, are unable to interpret reality rationally. They may have symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions. The schizophrenia treatment options available can be advantageous, but people need to reach out for help to get it. To find out how our team can help you overcome your mental health condition, turn to Red Oak Recovery® now for help.

What Is Schizophrenia?

A person with schizophrenia typically has a break from reality in some way. This condition leads to difficulty making decisions, handling daily responsibilities, and understanding what’s happening in high-stress situations. Those who have schizophrenia need treatment, and typically schizophrenia treatment lasts a lifetime.

Schizophrenia Symptoms Explained

Symptoms of schizophrenia range in intensity based on the circumstances at that moment. Some of the most common include:

  • Delusions or beliefs that are false and not rooted in reality
  • Hallucinations, or seeing or hearing things that are not there
  • Disorganized thinking, speech that is impaired, or being unable to be understood
  • Negative symptoms, a term related to a person’s lack of ability to function healthily, such as not making eye contact, lack of facial expressions, and lack of emotion
  • Abnormal motor behavior, such as non-goal focused activities, childlike actions, or unpredictable responses

In schizophrenia catatonia, a person may experience catatonic responses. Some may remain wholly still and mute. Genetic or environmental factors often bring this on.

Schizophrenia Treatment Options

As a severe mental health disorder, schizophrenia treatment typically is based on the symptoms a person has. Often, this requires hospitalization as a way to reach a level of stability. Usually, medications can help to improve a person’s state. These are typically antipsychotic medications that control the way the brain neurotransmitter dopamine functions.

These mediations are used in the lowest doses possible but aim to manage the symptoms of schizophrenia effectively. Often, it takes trial and error to determine which type of medication is right for a person.

Some interventions may be helpful to some people with schizophrenia. These treatment options include individual therapy as a way to improve the thinking patterns a person has. This treatment can also help teach a person more effective ways of dealing with stress and managing their illness. Many people learn how to spot the early symptoms of schizophrenia or warning signs so they can take action to circumvent a serious episode.

In addition, social skills training may help some people improve their ability to communicate, socialize, and express themselves. This can improve a person’s ability to meet daily activity goals and maintain responsibilities. Family therapy may help provide support to parents or other family members who may be aiding in caring for someone with this condition.

Finding Support for Schizophrenia

At Red Oak Recovery®, we offer schizophrenia treatment options to improve quality of life and manage symptoms effectively. A critical component of this is providing one-on-one therapy in a meaningful manner. Our team works closely with you to achieve your goals in therapy, including by providing a safe, stable environment. Some of the treatment options we offer include:

  • Men’s rehab programs
  • Family therapy programs
  • Holistic healing tools
  • Dual diagnosis treatment

Call Red Oak Recovery® Now

What is schizophrenia doing to your future? The symptoms of schizophrenia may make it hard for you to make wise decisions or even embrace a high quality of life. Our team at Red Oak Recovery® offers help for schizophrenia. If you need immediate medical treatment for someone with schizophrenia catatonia, call 911. To learn how to manage your schizophrenia, reach out to our men’s treatment center by calling 866.457.7590 or connect with us online.