Is Bipolar Disorder Genetic?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Is Bipolar Disorder Genetic?

Mental disorders and addiction go hand in hand. In fact, they often feed off of each other. However, studies show that illnesses such as bipolar disorder might run in families. Because of that, a lot of people wonder, is bipolar disorder genetic?

A Background on Bipolar Disorder

man wonders is bipolar disorder geneticMost people have at least heard about bipolar disorder. With that said, a vast majority of them don’t know much about this condition. Developing an understanding is the first step in helping others manage their symptoms.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme shifts in mood and behavior. These shifts range from episodes of depression to extreme happiness, which doctors refer to as mania. The goal of bipolar disorder treatment is to equalize people’s moods to prevent extreme shifts.

Why is it so important to get treatment for bipolar disorder? One reason is that the extreme shifts in mood can make it difficult to manage everyday life. For example, holding down a job and managing relationships is nearly impossible.

Is Bipolar Disorder Genetic?

Experts still don’t know for sure what causes bipolar disorder. Over the years, though, they’ve identified some risk factors that increase people’s chances of developing it. The biggest risk factor is the connection between bipolar disorder and certain genes. These are genes that parents pass down to their children.

Individuals who have relatives with bipolar disorder are ten times more likely to develop it than those who don’t. This risk increases even further if the relatives are close, such as biological mothers and fathers.

Is bipolar disorder genetic? Yes, and it’s a huge factor. In fact, some experts believe that genetics make up around 60 to 80% of the risk. With that said, other factors can lead to it too.

What Are the Other Factors That Can Lead to Bipolar Disorder?

If genetics isn’t the only risk factor, what else can make people develop bipolar disorder? Just because people don’t have a history of it in their families doesn’t mean that they’re immune to it.

Besides genetics, the two most common causes of bipolar disorder are brain structure and environmental factors. In terms of brain structure, a variety of issues can cause abnormal brain activity. Abusing drugs and suffering a head injury are only two examples.

Environmental factors can include trauma and stress. An abundance of stress and trauma changes the chemical balance in the brain. Without safe ways to deal with these elements, the effects build up. Then, the brain looks for different ways to cope, which triggers the development of a mental disorder.

Red Oak Recovery® Helps Young Adults Overcome Addiction and Mental Disorders

With more information about is bipolar disorder genetic, do you need treatment? At Red Oak Recovery®, we know that the key to overcoming addiction and mental disorders is early treatment. That’s why we offer young adult rehab programs to provide high-quality treatment for our clients.

Of course, a treatment center is only as good as the programs that it offers. Red Oak Recovery® strives to have a wide range of treatment options. The more programs that we offer, the more people that we can help. Some of the services that we use to create customized treatment plans include:

Don’t live your whole life watching someone you love struggle with bipolar disorder and addiction. Learn more about is bipolar disorder genetic? Get help today at Red Oak Recovery® by calling 866-457-7590.